Excuse me,I'm n here.Can you tell me theway to the train station.按首字母填空

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 15:08:16
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Excuse me,I'm n here.Can you tell me theway to the train station.按首字母填空 excuse me.is there a_____near here?i m ill._yes.look,over there excuse me ,can you tell me the way to…… sorry,I'm a s___ here.填单词 补全对话a;excuse me()()a post office near here.b;i’m sorry i()know.plese ()that A:Excuse me.Where's the park?B:Sorry,I'm new here.You can ask my friend.{1}_____________________ Excuse me ,which is the way to the post office Sorry.I'm new here.怎么回答 补全对话 A:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here补全对话A:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?B:______, I don't know.I'm new here.A:Excuse me,______is the nearest post office?C:____________?A:Where is the neareat post office?C -Excuse me,Where is the library?-Sorry._____.A.I know B.I'm new here C.I can't D.nob A:excuse+me,where is the hospitl?B:I'm sorry,I don't know.I’m new here.A:excuse+me,where is the hospitl?B:I'm sorry,I don't know.I’m new here.You many ask the man over there.A( ) (the old man goes to the man) excuse me和I'm sorry有什么区别 Excuse me.Are you Jack?---------.I'm Jim填空 excuse me和I'm sorry有什么区别 excuse me (_) I m from england .how(_)? ---Excuse me,I was told I could find Dr Green here.---And you have. -Excuse me,would you mind my sitting here?-( ).The man on the seat will return soon.A.Yes,pleaseB.Not allC.No,thanks.D.I'm afraid not Excuse me .___this bus go to the city center?---Sorry.I'm a stranger here.ADoes BShall C Can选哪,为什么. Excuse me,Is this Mr Greeen's office?I'm sorry,but Mr Green _ works here.A.no more B.no longer Excuse me,which is the way to the post office _sorry,I'm new here是用not at all回答还是thank you all the same?