---I failed in the exam.---_________.Try to do better next time.A Never mind.B It d---I failed in the exam.---_________.Try to do better next time.A Never mind.B It doesn't matter.C Don't lose your heart.该选哪个?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 20:08:32
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i have failed again in the maths he failed in the examination , 英语翻译Because I was not hardworking enough,I failed in the exam. I failed in the find exam last termand only then_--- the importance of studies I feel sad because I failed the I think I failed the french paper. I‘m sorry to hear that you failed in the exam My best friend Alex failed in the math competition.I'd like to [ ]. He failed in the examination.翻译下 I failed the math test怎么读 i failed the exam 同义句改写 I failed in the exam again,and the d____ look on my father's face made me even more upset. Thank you for giving me a hand. I ______ in the experiment without your valuable help.A. have failed B. will fail C. would have failed D. must have failed 写了一篇英语作文,求检查修改语法错误,My mom is 33 years old.She is the most beautiful woman in the world in my heart.My mom is very patient.When I failed in the exam,she won’t get angry.She always help me and find the cause of the e 八年级英语根据首字母填空1、There are more and more people on the e( )2、I thought I failed the test,f( ) I passed it i live in the (e )of shanghai 有没有英语语法错误的I often feel stressed before exams.I don’t believe that I can do a good job because I once failed before and I don’t think that I am well-prepared this time.In order to release the stress,I like to do some physical e ---- Mary,how did your Math test go ---- I had thought I ______,but in fact I came in the top 10A.should have failed B.could have failed C.might have failed D.need have failed为什么选c 不选b