The child can't be a boy.It has long hair.以上的句子为什么要用can't can 不是表能力么?2.My parents always have me to do the things i like.为什么以上的句子要用have?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 12:16:42
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the child of three years old doesn't know there___(be)seven days in a week 1.Please c_____ the table with a cloth2.I'm really a______,becacse I can't find my backpack.3.I hope to pass the f______ exam at the end of the year.4.Don't be w______ about your son .He isn't a child any more.5.Mr Green is the o______ of the house.6 i didn't break the window.It __ the truth.He is lying.can't be mustn't be shouldn't isn't 选哪个A.can't be B.mustn't be C.shouldn't be D.isn't The story ________ be true.A.can B.can't C.may not D.mustn't The child can't be a boy.It has long hair.以上的句子为什么要用can't can 不是表能力么?2.My parents always have me to do the things i like.为什么以上的句子要用have? The child can count from one to a h____. Can you hear a child _____ (try) in the room? 根据首字母填单词1.don't be s_____,boy you can't do such a thing in this way2.the bad man s_____ at the policewoman yesterday,she is in soon as the child saw the big dog ,he h_____ himself behind his mother4.look at you shouldn't leave a child alone in the house don't touch a child on还是in the head she took the old man to____(safe).按适当形式填空.that man()be her son.he left for shanghai this morning.A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.aren'tthe Chinese population is over1.3billion.yes,si each pair of parents in many places()only()one child.A. The family is p____ and the child can't go to school Can't you hear the child _(cry) in the house I think a dog is a good p____ for a six-year-old child.p____ the future can be diffcult.He had to work in a building-field to make a l________People's moods are i_____ by weather.Our cars are s_________ to yours,only in collor.I don't like the book b 56.What () are you planning to buy A.make of car B.make of the car C.make of a car D.make of cars57.() ,you can’t fool her A.The child though Rowena is B.Though child Rowena is C.As child Rowena is D.Child as Rowena is58.What’s () is to get infor How can you be a good child假如你要接受一家英文报社的采访,记者提出How can be a good child写应答稿 作文 Hoe can you be a good child?字数70-80,题目应该是How can you be a good child 的回答。 It is terrible if a plane ( ) when flying in the skyA can't controlB can't be controlledC needn't controlD needn't be controlled