classmates’和 classmate’s有区别吗?选择正确答案We had an open day yesterday. All my ( ) parents came to our school.A. classmate B. classmates C. classmate's D. classmates'谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 23:26:44
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托尼和他的同学相处的很好,tony( )( )( )his classma托尼和他的同学相处的很好,tony( )( )( )his classmates急, She chats with her classmates at lunchtime.同义句 She chats with her classma十分钟内回答重谢 fellow students和classmates的区别? he plays basketball with his classmates 和 he play basketball with his classmates哪个对? 他和同学们相处得很好.He( )( )( )his classmates. video recorder是什么意思?classmate和classmates用法有什么不同? 请帮忙看一下这5个英语句子有没有什么语法和语义的错误1.the weather tomorrow is really fine,so i decide to have a picnic with my family.2.after i spent some time doing listening exercise,my English has improved classma classmates’和 classmate’s有区别吗?选择正确答案We had an open day yesterday. All my ( ) parents came to our school.A. classmate B. classmates C. classmate's D. classmates'谢谢 I play ping-pong with my classmates after class.为什么classmates加S打乒乓应该和一人打啊为什么加S? I with my Classmates go to climbing hill 和I with my Classmates go to climb hill 这两个句子哪个对?为什么? 托尼和他的同学相处得很好 汉译英 Tony ( ) ( ) ( ) his classmates 他和同学们相处的很好.He is ___ ___ ___ with his classmates. 比尔正在和他的同学说话 (翻译) bill is __ __ his classmates. 他和同学们相处得很好.He_____ _______ ______ _______ his classmates. 根据首字母和句意完成填空 She often s____her school things with her classmates 我一周和同学打两次篮球.I play basketball with my classmates _____ _____ _____. 我不喜欢把我自己和同学比较 I don't like to ------- myself ------- my classmates. 用what,care,he,classmates,little ,about,say,his 造句和倒装句