用疑问副词对括号部分提问使用where why when how1 Miss Fang went to Australia (last Christmas).2 I wisit my grandparents in Beijing (by train)every year

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 13:43:30
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用疑问副词对括号部分提问使用where why when how1 Miss Fang went to Australia (last Christmas).2 I wisit my grandparents in Beijing (by train)every year 用where对括号部分提问the bus stop is (outside the post office). 对形容词进行提问画线部分提问中,对形容词提问用哪个疑问代词? 对作表语的方位介词短语进行提问时,要用疑问副词什么? 如果是对地点进行提问,应该用哪一个疑问副词 对频率副词提问的疑问短语是? Li Ming is writing a letterLi Ming is (writing a letter )对划括号部分提问.如何提出疑问? 谁能帮我解决这些问题?1.He goes to work [by bus].(用how对括号部分提问)2.She is flying for Paris [on Thursday].(用when对括号部分提问)3.The bus stop is [outside the post office].(用where对括号部分提问)4.They will go 关于疑问副词,疑问副词对时间,地点,方式等状语提问,如when,where,how,why等.eg.When is your birthday?这句话里的when是对状语提问吗?我怎么看着像是对表语提问 They visited (the Great Wall) yesterday.(对括号内部分提问)_______ did they visit yesterday?为什么用what不用where? 对程度副词提问用什么疑问副词问?比如I like playing the piano very mucn中对very much提问.Ican speak English very well中对very 提问. 用 where就括号部分提问:They are having a birthday party (at home). 选择正确的疑问副词【how when where why] 对划线部分提问1·My brother and I are going to school------------2`He has his breakfast at seven ------------3`Her sister answers the question quickly----------4`He is absent because he is ill- It's today.对括号部分提问! I feel (ill)对括号部分提问 They are 【sad】,对括号部分提问 He is (fine).对括号部分提问 She is (fine)对括号部分提问