1.I have the honor of introducing to you Mr.Alan,who will ___you on his recent tour abroad.A.address B speak C talk D converse2.I like to go to the cinema when I am in the __ for it.A more than to go B than going C rather than to go D more than going

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 14:30:25
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改错if i have the honor May I have the pleasure of inviting you to该成:May I have the honor of inviting you to. have the honor of造个句子. 英语翻译Dear fellow students,It's my great honor to have the chance to deliver a speech here and i'm grateful for it,Impressed as I am by the excellent speeches made by the previous candidates,I will prove myself to be the best one for the post o 英语翻译:(就是,我能请你吃饭吗,那句怎么说来着)CAN I HAVE THE HONOR TO INVIT U FOR DINNER? 1.I have the honor of introducing to you Mr.Alan,who will ___you on his recent tour abroad.A.address B speak C talk D converse2.I like to go to the cinema when I am in the __ for it.A more than to go B than going C rather than to go D more than going in the honor Honor the coupon she made the honor 英语翻译in the honor We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion.这里的in honor of和the occasion分别是什么意思? could we have the honor of your presence at the party?怎样翻译合适 将I have an earache改写,英语问题有几种选项:1.I have some money.改:Have you any money?2.I have a headache.改:Have you a headache?3.I have tea at four o‘clock.改:Do you have tea at four o’clock?4.I have a game in the afternoo and we would like to have the honor of passing on 英语短文帮我找错,这牛逼的学生竟然用英语写报告册I will strictly observe the school discipline,have astrong collective sense of honor,helpful,concemed about the students,getalongwith classmates fusion; study hard,active thinking. -Could we have the honor of your presence at the party?-________A.I fully appreciate your invitationB.Sorry I can't take it c.I think that won't be necessaryD.I'd love to,but I have a prior appointment请问为什么A不行啊, 英语翻译It is a real honor to have the opportunity of meeting the well-known scientist in person. 请分析下面句子的结构 1.you must know by the way i way my tail when i hear your footsteps.2 I ask no greater honor than the special right to sit by your feet.