谁帮我解释一下这句话ThanksHi,I'm planning to resell mobile phones in India will you offer me the possibility to dropship to my customers?Can you send me a price list with all your games (wholesale prices at least discounting ebay fees).What

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 17:05:52
xSN@~@6zj$lAn IPiU*,8^"g~+!Rr a-#Iв̪lH\ G$H +eTD;YY_ٟ ʬƅ3MP;AyIj3k\B9S`>{}܃wlؑGkGB ":dkp|NЯaWǪU- (_Êhx6nÁa,x+;~r7f@iJaO ㍱{)q =nW%00"Y+.RD0i#b} 2:u1d]b ˉRq%$AJ{P NI%X)L? L
谁帮我解释一下这句话ThanksHi,I'm planning to resell mobile phones in India will you offer me the possibility to dropship to my customers?Can you send me a price list with all your games (wholesale prices at least discounting ebay fees).What when I wash my face, I am also washing my hands.这句话的意思理解,但是语法不太理解.谁可以帮我解释一下啊? I want to you,you wnat do you like ,what like do请帮我解释一下这句话的意思 谁帮我解释一下普通人做事,聪明人做势这句话的具体含义! 谁帮我解释一下这句话什么意思:“莫失者,如蓝天碧水,流往心扉”? 谁帮我解释一下excel中这句话句的意思?(--SUBSTITUTE(Y6,0,1) YOU MUST BE A LOVELY GIRL.谁帮我解释一下这句话的意思. 溯洄从之,道阻且长 这句话什么意思 谁帮我详细的解释一下 谢谢 谁帮我解释一下这句话是什么意思“一个人一座城一生心疼 一双泪了无痕一抹胭脂谢却一世凄尘” Je suis à l'heure.这句话是什么意思.(翻译成英语是:I am at the time.吗?)à的作用是什么.能帮我解释一下吗? shop-lifting 谁能准确地帮我解释一下“shop-lifting”的意思?He's basically a good boy so what I saw was not shop-lifting.放在这句话中应该怎么解释? Always I can find another one if I lose you Always I can find another one if I lose you 请帮我解释一下这句话的意思 最好可以告诉我为什么要这样翻译 西欧气候受北大西洋暖流影响十分明显可以帮我解释一下这句话么? 请大家帮我解释一下这句话“人生是时间的微积分” 请帮我透彻的解释一下‘水至清则无鱼’这句话的含义如题 麻烦大家帮我解释一下这句话的意思!“不津器中渍之” 谢谢! 请各位朋友帮我详细解释一下“中限之命能进四方之财”这句话, 年青人说的这句话什么意思帮我解释一下谢谢--关键是现在衣暖饭饱思淫欲阿