填空:Hllo!___down and___a cup of tea,please.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/18 08:50:16
x){p呓_d&*$()&&$铮IΆL3K2Rm @FJS
填空:Hllo!___down and___a cup of tea,please. Can you_(come)and_(help)_(l)with_(l)Maths用所给词的正确形式填空 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.How about_(have)supper in the restaurant this evening.2.Please put thetable between you and_(his) the car ___down on my way home she didn't _ (row)a boat last night 正确形式填空1、tomorrow i am going to_(buy) presents for my mother.2、on monday john went toarestaurant and_(eat) good food.3、tomorrow tom will_(is) back home. .It's_m and it's_u.2.yao ming is_NBA pleyer 3.There is _jin the wordjod and_ h in hot用an/a填空. 一道完形填空题,高手帮我填,并给我分析为什么是这样子填的.不要仅给答案要给我分析.不会的离开.One day a snake was sleeping in the sun_1_the foot of a mountain.___a big stone ___down the mountain and it fell on the Your classroom is_(wide)and_(bright)than ours. there is _m and_ u in the word menu. 初一英语的动词填空1.Last weekend Simon_____(go)to the Funnny World Museum.There____(be)so many amazing animals.2.Everyone_____(feel)tired after such along walk.3.His father_____(die)four years ago.4.Yesterday I______(search)the Internet and_ 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空.71 Their parents are both teachers And_(I) are doctors.72.You can make a_(decide) among the suggestions.73.THe law of gravity_(discover)by Isaac Newton about 350 scars ago.74.He lives on the__(n 选动词填空A、give B、put C、want D、have E、worry F、play G、get H、take I、come J、help K、love L、think M、see N、speak O、watch 1 Don't_____ about him.He is not small boy.2 You must______your bike under the tree.3 let's go and_ The young man stepped into the office ,___down and began to fill in the forms. she had the crying baby ___down.A.calm B.to calm C.quiet D.silent It is Friday today .What_she_(do)this weekend?She_(watch)TV and_(catch)insects. you look so tired,stop _(work)and_(have) a rest并讲解一下, I will go to the park tomorrow morning,and_(所以他也去)so_he Suddenly the truck was out of control and_ into a treeA.brokeB.crashedCcrawledD.burst