太阳为什么不用sun,而用the sun

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 10:48:47
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太阳为什么不用sun,而用the sun which is bigger,the sun or the earth?为什么用or而不用and? Let's go out while the sun is shining.趁还有太阳的时候我们出去吧!这里为什么用while而不用when呢? 求教英语中sun就是太阳的意思 那为什么要用The sun 而不是直接用sun The sun is shining brightly为什么用shining不用shine The sun is the closest star to Earth.为什么sun前面用the,earth前不用冠词? Exposed to the sun too long,his skin got sunburnt.这里为什么用Exposed而不用Exposing? The sun rises from the east.为什么用in不用from the earth moves round the sun,not the other way aroundthe earth moves round the sun,not ___________.为什么用“the other way around不用another way round sun和the sun都是指太阳,语句中都是直接用sun,可是单词中都是the sun,应该怎么运用呢? 在太阳下 为什么用 in the sun我要根据! we had better not read in the sun.为什么用in不用under呢? A sun rises in the East 这句话对吗 还是用The sun 太阳不是世界上独一无二的事物吗 为什么用AA泛指也不对 我认为 英语非谓语问题!Exposed to the sun too long,his skin got sunburnt.这里为什么用Exposed而不用Exposing? 英语的so very too有什么不同啊?为什么我做一题完型 the sun was ---strong.偏要用very而不用TOO啊? the sun high overhead told her when it was time to take a break?为什么这里用when 而不用that? Without air,we should be forced to seek shelter from the sun...Without air,we should be forced to seek shelter from the sun,as there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun's deadly rays.为什么用should be forced而不用would be forced, Don't read_____the Sun.为什么要用in,不用under