想说一个人已经死了用he is died还是he was died?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:46:47
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想说一个人已经死了用he is died还是he was died? 两年前他已经死了 是He died two years ago.还是He has died two years ago. 一个人已经死了,要用英文说她来自美国,是用“She was from America还是She is from America? die和kill的用法“他已经死了”和“他将要死了”的表达.(回答是不要用缩写,例如he is ...不要用he's...)主要说说,已经死了和将要死了的时态 现在完成时的几个问题句式为have++过去分词为什么说他死了要用he has been die而不用he has died?还有,有一个句式是he has already finished his homework,可不可以把already置后? Beijing is the place where I was born 这句话中 where 可以用that 替代?我看到书上说 that 可以代替关系副词 比如 His father died the died the year (that/when)he was born 检查英语句子我想用过去式写一句他找了这枚戒指一整天,最后他死了.He looked for the ring all day .Then he died die的用法‘看着我死是’翻译成‘just watch me die’吗?为什么die不能用过去时,因为我已经“死”了(在游戏当中)他已经死了3年了he has been died for three years 能用he has died three years吗? He ( ) for ten yearsA.was died B.has been dead C.was dead D.has died E.died F.dies[表达意思:他已经死了十年了.][应该是现完,]主要是B.D中的一个,最好附B.D的区别 英语翻译.It was his brother rather than he who had died.请问,谁死了-_-|| 英语翻译他死了,因为吃了太多猪肉He died ,because of eating too much pork. He's got cancer and now.A.dies B.died C.is dying D.has died 用现在完成时说:“一个人死了.”怎么说?以及“死”的名词、动词、形容词和用法 died与dead是he is died还是he is dead?二者有什么不同?为什么用was dead用is dead对不对?不都是be加形容词吗? He died 他死了 He will die 他将会死两个句子都对吗 两个die都是不及物动词吗 这个老人已经死了2年了.The old man has( )( )for two years.( )two years( )the old man died. he is gone 与 he was gone 的区别我认为它们的意思都是.''他已经死了这对吗.还是有其他的答案 英语翻译一个人跟我说这个我郁闷死了