用英语的回答写问句 I ran to the schoolkuaiI puton my coat I climb up the ladde I called the fire department I went to the park 再回答补充的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/12 00:14:22
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用英语的回答写问句 I ran to the schoolkuaiI puton my coat I climb up the ladde I called the fire department I went to the park 再回答补充的 英语 写出下列句子相应的句子的问句或答句一、I need eleven T-shirts.写问句二、I like soccer best.写问句三、What sports do you like 写答句四、Can you hit the ball to Jenny?肯定回答五、Where did you go today?(sto MUST开头的问句能不能这样回答例如MUST I WASH THE SHOE?NO,YOU DON'T HAVE TO.MUST开头的问句可以用NO,YOU DON'T HAVE TO回答吗?为什么? 英语问句不同句型的回答方式“是”或“不是”都要比如:Do you开头的回答Yes i do.或No i don,t越多越好 I can see a cat in the picture 的问句 根据回答写问句 根据回答写问句I am Japanese 英语反问句的回答 I ran to home. I couldn't talk.问句怎么写? I am going to read books的问句怎么写 英语反问句的回答:Didn't you clean the desk?,“你没有擦桌子么”如果回答yes,I did.是指擦了呢还是没擦 请问以“have”开头的问句回答是“Yes,I have/No,I haven't”吗? 英语反问句怎么回答Didn’t you enjoy the performance last night 怎么回答,是Yes,I did.还是No,I didn’t.回答是依据什么得出的, Amy has a fever I don't feel will 问句是什么?Amy has a fever I don't feel will这2个回答的问句是什么? 英语的问句写汉语,汉语的问句写英语 Don't forget to bring our lunch.的回答用I won't还是I will would like 问句的否定回答Would you like something to eat 的否定回答能否用sorry,I would not like to 回答是:I going tonight 的问句