为什么用each word而不用every word呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 13:35:00
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为什么用each word而不用every word呢 为什么用once不用ever This an exciting place ____I have ever visited.空格处为什么用which而不用where? The bananas are three yuan each jin.为什么用each而不用 every他们只信语法不承认语感 help each other with homework 为什么介词用with 而不用on 之类的? each和every的用法(Each) student has his own thought.We should respect him.这里为什么开头不用every?而用each? Look.there's a u in this word.为什么不用an 而要用a呢? 消息传来是是Word came that...为什么要用came而不用come? This is the most beautiful buliding that I have ever visited.此句中为什么用that而不用which? The bananas are three yuan each jin.为什么用each而不用 every 香蕉三元一斤.不要只说这是语感,我想弄清楚语法依据 With it,two people can see each other when talking.为什么这里用with而不用by Nobody could ever replace you为什么用could不用can Fill in each blank with the word given and change the form of the word if __答案是necessary .为什么不用it is necessary 汉译英:我曾经也做过这种事.“曾经”用不用“ever”?如果不用,为什么? that you have ever been in prison can not change my decision这句话前面为什么用that 而不用what?不是少了个宾语吗? have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down 这个短文第54个空为什么用as而不用like O forever吗?达摩流浪者经典的最后一句话,永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶.原文是:O ever youthful,O ever weeping这里O ever怎么读我也看出来是forever的意思了,可是为什么不用forever而用O ever呢,英语里有这 here is the weather report for some cities in the word.中为什么用 for 而不用of 呢?可以用of 代替吗