英语翻译_______ my mother goes to work _____ ______and ____ ______she _____ to work.打小广告者、无聊者、神经病者请勿捣乱.小女在这里跪下了,回答最快、且令我满意者加悬赏!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 23:21:07
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My mothe does the housework every Sunday, 英语翻译My brother _______ _______ bananas _______ _______. 英语翻译My _______ ________are spring__________winter. 英语翻译improve my English _______ _______ conversations with my friends 英语翻译My father is my hero and I _______ _______ _______ _______. My mothe.Her father.His brothers.Our parents.用this和these造句My mothe.Her father.His brothers.Our parents.用this和these造句 英语翻译My sister _______ _______ ________ _______ go swimming with her. My mothe doesn't allowme to meet any net friends.同义句 英语翻译那不是我的手表 That _______ my __________ . 英语翻译_____ a scientist might ______ ______ my dream _______. son her and are family she here girl his photo this those补全单词:Hi,I'm David._____is ma family photo.The man is the _________ismy father.__________name is Paul.The woman is ma mothe._______ name is Grace .my patents have two ________ and a da 用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.every sunday,my mothe likes_____(wash) some clomes. My mothe ask me (not open) the window.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 英语翻译TouchedShe is my daughter and is immersed in the turbulence of her 16th year.Following a recent bout with illness,she learned her best friend would soon be moving away.School was not going as well as she had hoped,nor as well as her mothe 英语翻译小心,别把我的杯子撞到地上去Be careful _____ ______ _______ my cup _______ the floor 英语翻译我喜欢坐在我的电脑前I like to sit ______ _______ _______ my computer. 英语翻译_______ _______ _______ the park gate 英语翻译you should _______ _______ _______ ________.