英语高手们,有几道题不懂1.There is no enough -----in the corner for the fridge.A.place B.room c.field2.The Browns----at he table when I went in.A.was sitting B.were sitting3.My Wnglish teacher was ill.Miss Zhao -----.A.took place B.took her

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:01:31
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英语高手们:hello there! 英语高手们,有几道题不懂1.There is no enough -----in the corner for the fridge.A.place B.room c.field2.The Browns----at he table when I went in.A.was sitting B.were sitting3.My Wnglish teacher was ill.Miss Zhao -----.A.took place B.took her 很重要的问题,初一的英语There is nothing in today's newspaper,____,____ ____(反意疑问句)高手们,nothing会不会影响后面的反意呢?我搞不懂耶~~~ 他还是不懂 用英语怎么说他还是不懂,用英语怎么说阿,求英语高手. 英语高手请进,有几个选择题本人实在是想不明白1.Are there _____paintings on the wall? A.any B.a great many应该选哪一个,本人实在是搞不懂.2.My friends and I enjoy doing many of the same things. In that respect, we 拜求英语高手翻译《There you'll be》! 不懂英语可以PS吗?不用学到高手,入门级别就可以了!可以说是完全不懂英语 the real is the better,哪个英语高手能解决啊,我对英语根本不懂. 问:There are many ___(bus) in the street.英语高手们,快进来,答得好, 不懂英语 Warcraft 的音标是什么(英语高手来,不懂别瞎说) 英语高手进?不懂的勿扰,否则差评,谢了!全部.问题进来发. 一些英语问题,我不懂.请高手帮帮忙Every december millions of Christmas cards go through the post. There are pictures of stars and snow or Christmas t___. In there days it is hard to think of a Christmas w___ Christmas cards. Yet over a 英语高手们帮帮我. 英语高手们,拍电影怎么说 英语高手们继续啊! 英语 我不懂啊how many people are there in your family是什么意思 初二英语同义句转换,请英语高手帮忙,题目在问题补充1.There's never a dull moment in the house we live in.