she seems really ——————(busy).

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 01:34:45
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she seems really ——————(busy). It seems that she is pretty 同意句She seems———— ————pretty. it seems that she is unhappy 改为同义句she — to — be unhappy.还有就是要原因, it seems that句型转换的问题1、It seems that she was here last week.——She seems to HAVE BEEN here last week.2、 It seemed that she knew everyone there-——She seemed to KNOW everyone there.我想知道转换后第一句为什么用have nowdays it seems to some of us that feeling not just money ,is what really ——? A.matters B meanS选哪个 为什么 说清楚理由 谢谢 一道题,这道题的答案并给出原因,谢谢啦—Do you know her?_ Not very well.She is always quiet and and ____ a shy girl.A looks as if B seems as if C seems like D seems as though While performing,she used to get really nervous,but now she seems relax be relaxingC.relaxed D.relaxing I think she is really good 对good 提问 what do you—— ——her? ——many women in her age,she was really fortunateA Comparing toB Compared toC Compared witnD Comparing with she seems to like swimming 改为同一句—— ——that she——swimming求答案和为什么“—”为空格求为什么要填这个答案, She always seems to be Like she really 是什么 She is really fit she really turns me she was really对不对 英语翻译——Harry treats his secretary badly.——yes.He seems to think that she's the least person in the office.另外,“the least”在此是什么意思? 求Taylor Swift—This Is Really Happening的中英文歌词要那种上面是英文下面是中文的比如像这样:Who is she?她是谁? I really really want to know,谢谢— 会给好评.I really really want to know,谢谢—会给好评.