D/P条件下,汇票Drawn under 写谁?TO写谁?受款人是谁?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 04:51:22
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D/P条件下,汇票Drawn under 写谁?TO写谁?受款人是谁? D/A汇票上的Drawn under和to分别填什么D/A汇票上Drawn under填开证行to填写进口商对么? 托收项下的汇票,drawn under后面应该写什么? 托收项下的汇票,drawn under后面应该写什么? 还有No.后面应该是填的是什么号码? drawn under是什么意思 drawn under 跟drawn on 的区别? drawn on 和drawn under分别意思drawn on 和drawn under翻译成什么呢?能不能举个例子造句话呢?方便理解 Drawn 英语翻译Payment:Draft(s) shall be drawn at sight,documents attached,for the full invoice amount under and irrevocable credit which shall be established within 10 days after the conclusion of the contract.Business against D/P draft without L/C sho the influence of the nation s literature,art,and science_______widespread attentionA has drawn B have drawn C has been drawn D have beeb drawn 英语翻译payment:Draft shall be drawn at 30 d/s under irrevocable letter of Credit which shall be opend in favor of seller immediately including Bill of lading,Insurance Policy,Commercial Invoice and other documents which each contract requires. L/C中对汇票要求DRAFTS TO BE DRAWN AT 30 DAYS FROM SHIPMENT DATE就是穿船后30天付款的意思?我总是不明白这个DRAWN在信用证中意思 请问,( )是一种即期汇票,又是一种记名汇票?A、银行汇票B、银行本票C、支票D、银行承兑汇票 我国某外贸公司与某国A商达成一项出口合同,付款条件为D/P 45天付款,当汇票及所附单据通过托收行寄抵进口地代收行后,A商及时在汇票上履行了承兑手续.贷抵目的港时,由于用贷心切A商出具 DRAFTS ARE TO BE MARKED AS DRAWN UNDER THIS DOCUMENTARY CREDIT这句话在信用证中怎么理解? drawn under the chartered bank Japan Besar Credit No.734/84/1775 dated 5.10.84怎么翻译, ( )the government's effort to cut the homework burden of primary and middle school students ______mixed reactions.A.have drawn B.has drawn C..have been drawn D.has been drawn credit available by beneficiary`s draft(s) drawn on us at sight这句话中文怎么理解好点呢?汇票信用证和其他的信用证有什么区别的哈,不是很明白,具体还要做哪些票据的? 如果信用证上规定:“Beneficiary’s Draft Drawn at Sight on You”,则汇票的付款人是?懂的回答A、Issuing BankB、AccounteeC、BeneficiaryD、Negotiating Bank在线等,大家帮帮忙