who在这个句子里指代谁One of them went to find Paulo,who came and told me about it.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:56:50
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who在这个句子里指代谁One of them went to find Paulo,who came and told me about it. after she weughed anchor,the ship sailed out of the harbour.这个句子里ship为什么用she来指代,she还可以专门用来指代什么 We couldn't work it out .里的it指代什么?是work吗?请翻译一下这个句子 One of my friends who have been to used as Zhangsan.谁能告诉我这个句子是什么意思呢? 帮忙看看这个句子中that 是指代意义吗,如是,指代什么With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah,even the most influential members of a population simply don`t interact with that many others. 这个句子中AS是引导词么 不是的话,那是什么 在句中起什么作用Tom is one of the people who as they are now. one,that,it在指代前面的词汇、短语、句子,以避免重复时,分别指代什么? 1.i have three son,one of-------is a teacher.2.i love the the farm of what we considered poor第一句为什么填whom,而不用who,在这个定语从句中不是做从句的不是做主语吗 ,第二句的what指代的是什么 请帮忙分析句子,越详细越好,who 在这个句子里起什么作用?The problem that who should take the responsibility of the healthy lifestyle is been widely discussed around the world. _____ that the family had taken with them was one bottle of orange.A.Anything B.Everything C.What D.All 这道题能帮我分析下主语谓语宾语什么的吗?还有them 用在这个句子起什么作用,为什么又要指代family 前面已经出 He is the only one of the workers who----chinese.A.speak Bspeaksworkers 在句子起什么作用? refer to的句子The expensive car is referred to belongs to Bob,who is one of my close friends.这个句子对么?(refer to 后边有点别扭.) T和P是什么意思啊在同性恋里指代什么意思呀 关于lie在这个句子里的意思忘记上句子了,句子来自CET6的一个阅读题:at the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question:are immigrants good or bad for the economy? Charles Dickens,one of the根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的在括号里写T,否写F.Charles Dickens,one of the greatest English writers,was born in 1812,in one of the small towns of England.When Dickens was nine years old,the famil We needn't guard against one who calls himself a thief,but we should watch out for one who calls himself an upright gentleman.在这句话里能不能直接用watch out one?for起什么作用啊? In our life,we have rarely expressed our gratitude to the one who'd lived those years with us.这个句子里who'd具体是什么?望指导!这个句子什么时态? up to the time of his death,richard was one of the most famous peopleup to the time of...这个在句子里的含义是什么?能再举一些其他的例子