covalent bond,ionic bond,metallic bond请说明他们有什么不同?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:56:23
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covalent bond,ionic bond,metallic bond请说明他们有什么不同? ionic,covalent,polar covalent,metallic,hydrogen 这五种Bond 键的强弱由大到小排列,如题, 化学,英文,高中题目Answer the following questions on covalent bonds: 1. Describe 2 main differences between an ionic and a covalent bond. 2. What is a polar covalent bond? covalent bond有哪些物理性质 In which of the following bond types the electrons form a general electron cloud?A.metallic bondingB.covalent bondingC.ionic bondingD.van der Waals forces 离子键,共价键,金属键的相同点(similarities between ionic,covalent,and metallic bond.)相同点啊相同点啊!我只要相同点啊!要是有会英文的就更好了...起码要2个相同点. Explain the differences between covalent bonding and ionic bonding. 请问什么是nonpolar covalent bond 和polar covalent bond是非极性共价键和极性共价键吗? 一些化学问题(英文版)1.Ionic compounds have very high melting points.Explain at least two forces that cause this physical characteristic.2.List bonds in order of bond strengtha.Hydrogen bond between H2Ob.Covalent bond between H and O in w what type of bond is formed in a covalent compoound? What's the ionic BondI want every thing about ionic bond.. covalent molecular substance 和 covalent network substance的中文意思covalent molecular substance 和 covalent network substance对应的中文是什么?在分类讨论物质熔点的时候看到的,metals,ionic substance,covalent molecular subs Covalent bonding ionic bonding metallic bonding intermolecular forces姚明真玩魔兽世界吗?几级?什么职业?什么装备?下MC.BWL? ap 关于dative covalent bond 配价键的题 which of the following can accept an electron pair in the formation of a dative covalent bond?下列哪个可以在形成配价键时得到一对电子1 NH3 2 AlCl33 CH44 BF3 Is N2 a covalent bonded molecule with triple bond inside?如果不是的话,KI,CCl4,AgNO3,CaCO3,哪个才是? 但是要英语好的哦.In which of the following compounds does the compund contain both ionic and covalent bonds?A)potassium sulphideB)sodium hydroxideC)calcium oxideD)magnesium chloride 氢氧根离子是不是配位共价键OH- 是不是属于配位共价键?(dative covalent bond)有能力的再告诉我下,如果是的话,H是不是它的供电子原子? 英语翻译Activation Energy,Spontaneus Processes,Proton-Transfer Reactions,The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp,Standard Electode Potentials,The s (p,d,f) Orbital,Radius of Atoms,Multiple Bonds,Bond Polarity,Ionic Solids,Fischer projection,aliphatic