句中的as,可以换做when或while吗?原句:The school board listened quietly (as) John read the demands that his followers had been demonstrating for.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 19:09:23
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句中的as,可以换做when或while吗?原句:The school board listened quietly (as) John read the demands that his followers had been demonstrating for. 英语状语从句的问题.While I was there ,a young boy of about twelve came in .句中的while 是否可换成when或as 主要是不明白状语从句中while、when、as的区别.请高手做答,在下感激不尽. when while as造一句!是不是while在不表对比时!就可以与when互换!如:The telephone rang while I was doing my homework.We must strike while the iron is hot.(这句可以换when吗?)还有用as表一边……一边……时造个句! There he listened to the tales that the women told as they worked at their weaving.句中的as,可否换成when或其它?可换及不可换的原因? while,as,when 区别? when while as 区别 as 与when,while在这道题中的区别?My father visited my school last May,___I was taking an exam.A.while B.when C.as D.whenever为什么?为什么不能是A或C? althongh as long as while之间的区别哪些可以放在句中或句首 ,哪些只能放在句中 as when while 的区别 When While As 的用法 when ,while,as的区别 谁知道When和While在句中的用法区别 she sang as she dance 中as 为什么不能用while或when while,as soon as,when的区别 as soon as ,when,while 什么区别 when,while,as在状语从句中的用法?抄笔记漏了,要补充 as/when/while做当.的意思的时候的区别 区别在过去进行时当中when和while的用法?例句:The telephone rings while Jane is practicing the violin.老师说,此句中的while可以用when替换.而while 只用于过去进行时.when用于一般过去式,而在某些情况下也