他们既卖报也卖书 英语翻译 they sell books ____ _____ ________ newpapers

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 21:05:53
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他们既卖报也卖书 英语翻译 they sell books ____ _____ ________ newpapers 他们在上周末去游泳,英语翻译:They went swimming last weekend 中,weekend 一词是否加 s 英语翻译2.他们有物美价廉的衣服.They have clothes at very good prices.price需不需要加s 英语翻译他们把所有的东西据为己有.英语翻译.They.everything. 英语翻译they _______ _______ ______my uncle's 英语翻译他们可以改变它(翻译)格式:They ( ) ( ) it. 英语翻译:他们乘索道过河.They cross the river____ ______. 英语翻译They -- --- that ---.他们已经把信息发送回地球了they -- -- messages-- --the earth. 英语翻译假如他们的冰箱,他们有故障将会得到帮助They ___________________________________________________their fridge. 英语翻译英语翻译,他们不希望这些故事消失Because they didn't want the stories_______________________ 英语翻译 they 英语翻译[ ]they are at home.[ ]they are home.They [ ] [ ] at home.They [ ] [ ] at home.在【 】里填上英文单词,使句意符合“他们可能在家里.” 英语翻译他们怎么上学?(How.)他们什么时候会参加英语聚会?(When.)They have lunch at ten(该为一般疑问句)( )they have lunch at ten?应该用什么啊?是Are么?乱了乱了!The teacher was talking with Tom`s father.(对划线 英语翻译他们不会在北京久留,真遗憾.It's()()that they aren't going to stay in Beijing ()().后天格林一家将动身去古巴度假.The Greens ()()()Cuba ( )( )( )( )for a holiday. 英语翻译how they may impact faculty member's perceptions of the severity attributed to the derived proscriptive normative orientations.我自己的翻译是:他们可能对教职员工自身对禁止性规范标准的取向而推导出的对于 英语翻译一:how's the weather?-it's raining.what are they doing?-they're studying.how's it going?-great!they 're of medium height. 他们儿童节过的很愉快 They have ___ ____ __ ____Children's Day 他们喜欢上英语课 they like having english lesson,lesson要加s变复数吗?