用介词和副词填空1、the girl ______ red is my friend2,Is it ten past twelve?No,not yet,It's ten _____ twelve选择正确的词填空1、I never go to England,_______ (do/don't) I 2,He often takes his students ______ (to/in) a Chinese grocery

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:34:44
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用介词和副词填空.ls your brother _ in the morning the girl never wants to get _(用介词或副词填) 副词填空.副词和介词 用副词和介词填空英语 The girl likes listening____music用介词填空 The poor girl was born _____ India _____ December fifth,1996.用适当的介词或副词填空 用适当的介词或副词填空:The poor girl was born _____ India on December fifth,1996.如题 介词和副词填空,英语 walk ____along the road ,you can see the cinema用适当的介词和副词填空 She saw____the girl some likeness to her daughter.(用介词或副词填空) Put your books _ .You must look _ your things.The children are _ school and the parents are _ work(用适当的介词或副词填空) Can you girl the bike( ) Tina 用介词填空 用介词和副词填空1、the girl ______ red is my friend2,Is it ten past twelve?No,not yet,It's ten _____ twelve选择正确的词填空1、I never go to England,_______ (do/don't) I 2,He often takes his students ______ (to/in) a Chinese grocery 用适当的介词或副词填空 what's the matter? the girl asked________surp rise.who's______duty tody?用适当的介词或副词填空what's the matter? the girl asked________surp rise.who's______duty tody?We arrived______the train station at I have been _ to London to visit the queen横线上填什么(用介词或副词填空)谢谢 用介词填空(1)The girl ) a blke is his sister. The girl made money________selling flowers.介词填空 1,He is good ( )swimming 用介词或副词填空