为啥是a promising future不能是a promised future?请从意义上解释

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/20 13:22:08
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为啥是a promising future不能是a promised future?请从意义上解释 为啥是a promising future不能是a promised future?请从意义上解释 promising 为啥是选A. The incidence rate of cancer mainly stems from several factors ,including inappropriate diets ,poor healthcare practices and the lack of early detection .Continuing medical advances and rising awareness do ,however ,offer promising hope for the futur a为啥是错的, The promise of promising is to owe a next debt! He sacrificed a promising career to after his child promising 有前途! promising 有前途! promising girlfriend Je voudrais trouver l'amour 这句是L‘imparfait吗 意思是 我想要找到爱情,为什么不是Le futur procheJe voudrais trouver l'amour 这句是L‘imparfait吗 意思是 我想要找到爱情,为什么不是Le futur proche? jd 126 5为啥是A over-promising and under-delivering.啥意思比如这句:I think Sony has had a history of over-promising and under-delivering.如果是一种营销策略呢?不是变成贬义的了吗?overpromising and underdelivering 到底是什么呢? on the election victory night , Obama gave a speech to his ------ supporters adout the ----future.A.inspiring,promising B.inspired,promising为什么要选B? I believe that ---young have a promising future A.a B.an C.the D./ I won't tell you my secret unless you____ not to tell anyoneA promising B promised C are promising D are going to promise答案a 原因 The man nodded his head ,______that he would finish it weather_____.A.promised;permittedB.promising;permittingC.promised;permitting D.promising;permitted