要完整列式1.If $7800 is shared among 3 persons A,B,C in the ratio 1/4:1/2:1/3 If persons A receives the smallest share,what is the amount that person A get?2.x+6/10:x/6:6/y.Find the values of x and y3.The figure shows the Pathenon in Athens with

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 13:49:17
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要完整列式1.If $7800 is shared among 3 persons A,B,C in the ratio 1/4:1/2:1/3 If persons A receives the smallest share,what is the amount that person A get?2.x+6/10:x/6:6/y.Find the values of x and y3.The figure shows the Pathenon in Athens with 要完整过程列试. This is my cat Mimi.[ ]biack and white.1.If's 2.Its 3.if's 4.its. If you find it ,you can call [ ]我再发的完整一点吧。应该是 She lost the watch,It's white.Her phone number is 9886785.If you find it ,you can call [ ]这里填什么? Which animal lives in water and is cat's favourite food?怎样回答?要正确、完整! i will be s() if everyone is therei will be s( ) if everyone is there 2分之1x-1-3分之1x等于2,要完整列式 9x+4-10=7X要排完整列式 Teacher's Day is --- the -------of the ------请补充完整 Is Mother’s Day in june?作完整回答 is not的缩略形式和let’s完整形式! 补充完整 the light is red,and we must s--------- 列方程,完整些 解下列方程:{2X-Y+4=0,3X+Y+1=0 {3S-5t=6,s+4t=-15 {2x-y=5,x-2y=1完整列式, And so do you,if you're afraid,and if the earthquake's a big one 帮忙翻译完整 解题,联立二元一次方程 代入消元法和加减消元法都行.要完整列式Three years ago.the father's age was 8 times the son's age.Two years later,the father's age wii be 4.5 times the son's age.Find the present ages of the father and 根据短文内容完成所缺单词,使短文意思完整.What is American food?To many peope,American food 1.___ hamburgers,hot dogs and fied chicken.If you have a 2.___ tooth,you may even think of apple pies or chocolate chip cookics.It's true 3._ 第三题,列式解答,请完整回答