l'm __sorry for that(true) 理由

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 15:53:20
xJ@_evjC⢵!RKRXH2HN̝IVyąKs> Mu .2/[fI-Ӹ>/D,b|f($]VU//Ie;i:;7C*CPHz'^,b[>4澍޺R`b[`p;R]%_KVS x+L7߰tV'UW,dZ!:n4585ŀ
l'm __sorry for that(true) 理由 I'm __sorry about my mistake.(true) sorry,l’m really busy today.l don’t have __sorry,l’m really busy today.l don’t have _______to play with you. l was wrong l'm not important for you,l excuse me could you please tell me ()?__sorry I'm new here.a how you usually go to school .B where can i exchange money C if there's a bank on this roan D who you boughrt the toys for l'm waiting for your loves A:l'm sorry l've broken your vase.B:______.A)With pieasure B)Don't mind C)Never mind D)Sure---l'm sorry,lam so late for the party.---______.A)Of course B)That's all right C)Yes,please D)l'd love to---l'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.--- A:l'm sorry l've broken your vase.B:______.A)With pieasure B)Don't mind C)Never mind D)Sure---l'm sorry,lam so late for the party.---______.A)Of course B)That's all right C)Yes,please D)l'd love to---l'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.--- I'm sorry for that.的中文? I'm convincd that the only thing that kept me going was that l loved that I'm open for that,open for的意思 That watch is important for me.l must f-----it l that will be answered for怎么翻译 l guess(that)和l'm sure(that)造句!英语在线急求 l'm very glad__(hear) that.请说明原因, You say that l'm a dog.翻译 l'm not ashamed to confess that l'm ignorant of what l don't know.这句话什么意思? I,m afraid English si too hard for me .__ you can do itA.i'm sorry to hear that B.don'tgive it upC.so am l D.tt's terrible选?why/