_his age,the little boy read quite well.A.consideringB.consideredC.considerD.having considered为何选A,考的什么知识点,还有一题:The little boy still needs the ___ 20 dollars to do with some things ___.答案是remaining和remaining to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/12 04:15:53
xX[s+hOQMkOf̴i=M󔁈X>9Kr$Ŗ,;%ǎM O *C'Z9eyᛝ0ȍęcِWg>7-rV3paแmqv?q끒9Uv;\1~HWūQm7+/GFo,^|[ [#>sv4<1}LyX9v $r3fev1/qn]s54wB†8 8]g1#Y_2Qi7oWvBgkOU><OI,ÁEi '/͍;-fVSsik+~>' W/+ؤ!^ֽt~Nq$`?xt& UM܊X/z{WۂؚIf_'f }+Ϟ]~HKqy2Yjά\+bn̫N[}%uƚyJ9,w5nPkTIU16I~=yM^ڸ$tE^z_ hn[pi6*]^Ku>PF5]0BvKk)+S䩥Cn݂ 8,Fkظ!POX2ɔJbyԙFA)9quxvu;{Zܽx~VGhn|!Gr'p 1fQcl:.BW^S- H,g[bU]UҕyݲVC]ʈ87T#[ܯCXY̺ l7Mlܲ͐;uj>/N`'5>{XQL6L(Âa44}X) *`+ס)tY p( CD0Uu%Sˆ}\f(_ Yk0+>FˇN>ɬu6{e Ȕ`q2 A͚+VKcR 3}EN)4;F1@=S\{Uxfy`>7Ϗ\%n]~hzNB!6D zbH(oaz̓]d&+z?"'mY86QבKvS2CuMlWm)³Gڮqug6wQ|-;pP34DTa<=vBp3M3Yu S ;<CPp`Kv Hz_2 0/r"la5 UWA@`sw~vLJ aOIÙΩ-KjCyYJKe1X>1B0"\PLiuXˆ!tUZ&TW @$ܜ4ФRǠZQoy1>Մ>#]s> Y "xߨPOکê|0mѐYѲKdTЩ;~&Q</7p8<**i[`Z)#[{!H"Y5D<7lt5KS*ԢY(&yح et1St"$.!vy9& PТ~.[ iv{88Z38I)sިm!jOVα/({+2Oc"#i;Q4~1?'@:)M*?&L!/WgB&S|WQD$aözd [O/_AB{ݡc (k/1 =e{{'OxFLl⥎XX"))_s|QZ E.egyt6ʋ7p/ `@R^vB¶(fvѽS@r'JxTP15FClsx$/S o5m~߻hLO-bkQ3­}3
My little brother is ( )his.a.the same age as b.the same age than c.the same old to d.as old like sDrunk One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in The little boy could (dress)himself at the age of Little tom began (learn)French at the age of 5. _his age,the little boy read quite well.A.consideringB.consideredC.considerD.having considered为何选A,考的什么知识点,还有一题:The little boy still needs the ___ 20 dollars to do with some things ___.答案是remaining和remaining to 1.The little boy hurt his foot,_______ _______?(didn't he)反义疑问句1.The little boy hurt his foot,_______ _______?(didn't he)2.You were late yesterday,_______ _______?(weren't you)3.The little girl could hardly speak at the age of 3,_______ ___ He ( ) the bedroom ( ) his little brother. And the little brother often ( ) his thumb 英语翻译疑问句的题!好的加分!1. The little boy hurt his foot,_______ _______?2. You were late yesterday,________ ________ ?3. The little girl could hardly speak at the age of 3,________ ________ ?4. There is little water left,________ ___ the little baby put his hands( )his face The little girl can sing very well___________four.(在...年岁的时候)是at the age The little boy can tell stories ()the age of 3.()中写in,on,at The poor little girl died at the age of eleven 他们谁是主语,谓语,宾语? 1 Mozart wrote his first opera ( )A at 14 B at the age of 14 C both A and B D at age of 142 The little girl prefers listening English ( )A to read B reading C to reading D read3 My uncle lived ( ) 80.A in B at C to D beeing At the age of eight ,I < > speak a little English.A can B could And she is the same age as me,but a little 后面写什么 little tom began _____.( learn)french at the age of 5. he had little education and had to work at the age of 15.