What happen _ Li Lei yesterday?A.onB.toC.aboutD.of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:33:06
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What happen _ Li Lei yesterday?A.onB.toC.aboutD.of What's ___name?----___name is Li Lei. What is Li Lei's favorite event what _ (happen)outside? Hi,Li Lei.What’t the matter?-I’m sorry _ _ _.And I think you should lie down and rest.-Hi,Li Lei. What’t the matter?-I’m sorry _ _ _. And I think you should lie down and rest. li lei isn't at home.maybe he is at school.=li lei is _ at home_at school what did Li lei has for supper yesterday?修改病句. 在我们四个人中,李雷最高.翻译 _ _ _ _ _,li lei is the talles 用动词适当形式填空 What _____(happen) to the man when the policeman came?顺便说下为什么 不可以写 was happening 或者 happened Li Lei hurried to school after he ____(eat) breakfast. 补全对话 LI lei:Who is__man?Jim:He is my father.LI lei:Who is that woman?Jim:__my mother.LI lei:And__that your sister/ Jim:Yes__is.LI lei:what is her__?Jim:Sally.LI lei:How do you__that?Jim:S-A-L-L-Y.LI lei:How old is__?Jim:She is seven.LI lei:__ 补全对话:LI lei is talking with Jim about the weather in England.Li lei:what's the weather not only but also 同义句型not only lI lei but also I do swimming li lei does well in swimm and _ _ I Mary: Hello!May I speak to Li Lei? Li Lei: ____________________ Mary: Hi, Li Lei, are you free tomorrow? Li Lei: Yes. Mary: What are you going to do then? Li Lei: __________________ What do you think? Mary: Shall we go to the zoo? Li Lei: ___________ _________old bike Li Lei is riding!A what a B what C what an Dhow 补全对话:LI lei is talking with Jim about the weather in England.Li lei:what's the weather like in Li Lei's favorite place is Mount Huang.对Mount Huang提问,答案是What is Li lei's favorite place?为什么不是where is? What's that?I think his Li Lei.找出错误并改正 改错:Hi,Li Lei!What about to go to the Summer Palace with us?