
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 23:31:05
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get,can,balloons,some,i,round?连词组句 How many balloons can you Simon!Get the balloons.All the balloons are flying away.意思 can you see()milk in the glass?Yes,I can see___in it.a.som,som b.som,any c.any,som d.any,any l like balloons can i have a yllow balloon.please? I can't_____ the oranges and the balloons! But som things can be very diffcuit.的中文意思 英语翻译When it is time to go ,all the boys get balloons.they take the balloons home.The boys say,It is fun goiing to the zoo. balloons是什么意思 Hold on to the balloons.Oh no!the oranges are falling.I can't hold the oranges and the balloons!意思就可以 快 一道简单的acm习题,为什么我的程序没有输出?The contest starts now!How excited it is to see balloons floating around.You,one of the best programmers in HDU,can get a very beautiful balloon if only you have solved the very very very...e 填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给,每线一词 1.--- What should you do填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给,每线一词1.--- What should you do to get all the nails?I use a m _______ stone.2.I can see many balloons.Which som 是什么意思? Kompong Som Kompong Som You can buy som food _____you are hungry横线上应该填什么 it's ___to learn how to play tennis.A.easily B.easy C.lazy2.Jim ___up at 6:30 this morning.A.get B.gets D.gots3.My aunt is nurse.(对nurse提问)4.Cam I have ___bread? Sorry,you can't have___bread.There isn't___.A.any;some;some B.some;some;som 英语翻译I feel life is so unfair ,why someone is so clever ,but someone is so foolish ,why i am belong to the latter,why some one have a happiness family ,but some one haven't ,i still belong to the latter ,why some one can get true love ,but som