关于英语语法的几道题目(objective和nominative)The manager for two years has been (he/him).The new members of the store's staff are Greg and (she/her).It is (they/them) who will clean up at closing.The fastest worker,however,is (he/him)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 07:33:38
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几道题目,关于实数的 几道关于滑轮的题目 哪里有关于英语语法练习的题目吗? 10几道英语语法~ 关于微积分的几道题目 如图 求解下面几道关于极限和不定积分的题目. 几道关于基本不等式的题目若0 关于高一集合的几道题目 求助几道英语语法题!> 写关于英语语法的论文选怎样的题目更好写一些呢? 关于英语语法、单词的书籍? 有没有什么关于初中英语语法的书,而且还有重点句型,多介绍几本, 几道关于高中英语语法的题目 需要写理由1.Can you ___ may dog while I am on holiday?A.watch out B.watch over C.look out D.look over2.Soon there ____ a question at the meeting about the best person to be sent to work in the west.A.rose 几道关于英语语法的题目1 Although first____almost 200 years ago,the novels of Jane Austin have remained popular around the worldApublishing B being published C pulished D was published(主要问题出在为什么选C而不是B)2 It seemed o 关于英语语法的几道题目(objective和nominative)The manager for two years has been (he/him).The new members of the store's staff are Greg and (she/her).It is (they/them) who will clean up at closing.The fastest worker,however,is (he/him) 介绍点关于初中三年英语语法总复习的书初中三年英语语法总复习,就是只有些质料,没什么题目练习的,多数就都是一些语法啊,时态啊什么的书..介绍几本..-就是有年份。意义什么的。就OK。 这几本语法书哪本最好?最新张道真高中英语语法(星火的)新版薄冰高中英语语法(修订版)无敌高中英语语法(普及版) 几道英语单词的题目