用宾语从句改写句子1.Where are you from?He asks me( )2.Can he repair the TV set?I want to know( )3.Do you know English?Wei Fang asks me( )4.Were you at home before nine last night?The policeman wants to know( )5.He has come back from Guangzho

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 15:04:48
xSn0~Ӆnڦ?a#p&szfI">@ǤC>@.i @&N=@%{}ߗ??o9__|^F]1U$=[̻||Ha xBL౐C'G6BtnE/Ł5۹AჴWb\p3G%-!i gt9Hx'2^!+KsJ߲ݾp?!﷉Gj)*Qio&s\@Z3:]Dc߈}HPIZJi[q ciLjVj $If^=#Z&[v}N*J8sDc!i6 !Y}' h 5Ȝu+[ڠ5[i~ ]?Fd#Lj;H <'U ʇqv̆PH;J k
用宾语从句改写句子where can i buy this kind of shampoo Could you tell me? 用宾语从句形式改写 如何将句子改写宾语从句比如 ‘Are you going to learn English?’ased Mike 1) 用被动语态造句.2) 改写宾语从句.I want to see.Where are you going?3) 改写定语从句.(用which引导)This is the book.I bought it yesterday. 用宾语从句改写句子:Have you seen the film?he asked me. where is the shopping mall?I asked her 用宾语从句改写句子1.Where are you from?He asks me( )2.Can he repair the TV set?I want to know( )3.Do you know English?Wei Fang asks me( )4.Were you at home before nine last night?The policeman wants to know( )5.He has come back from Guangzho Shall I buy that robots she was not sure 用宾语从句改写句子 where do you think you are为什么是宾语从句 用宾语从句改写句子it was hard to say.whose bike is it合并成一个句子 宾语从句 将下列句子改成宾语从句:1.The teacher asked me,“What did you see yesterday?”改写:The teacher asked me ------- ---------- ------- -------- ----------- ----------- ----------?(七个空) 把下列句子合并为宾语从句1.when did he leave here?Do you know?2.where are you from?Can you tell me?3.where is jim?Do you know? 用宾语从句改写句子...哥姐咱爱你们...1.Where can this type of robot be bought?He didn't tell me/2.Shall i buy that robot She wasn't sure3.Why is it out of control again Nobody can explain 什么是宾语从句?什么样的句子用宾语从句?宾语从句的形式,用法? Where are they?Kate asked me.(连成宾语从句) Kate asked me where _____ _____. 英语 有正确回答必给分当 when where who ect.引导定语从句主语从句 宾语从句 时后面句子的语序用什么? 宾语从句的句子 宾语从句句子结构 you should go where you are.这句为什么不能是宾语从句?为什么不能是宾语从句,做go的宾语啊.因为where前面不用to?