Under the leadership of the Party,we have won one victory-----?A.one another B.after another C.after other Deach other为什么选B?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 05:06:27
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跪求以下英译汉 1.under the leadership of the party,the peasants lead a happy life follow the leadership The concept of Leadership Through ups and downs,under the correct leadership,and with the great support and help o翻译成汉 Research has found that IQ.译两句话Research has found that IQ predicted leadership sdills when the tests were given under low-stress conditions,but under high-stress conditions.IQ was negatively correlated with leadership----that is,it predicted 英语翻译The Year of Coaching Campaign,The Leadership Development Program for high potentials,Scaling of Sales Forces are the major activities in AZ under Tony and team's leadership.不要机译,要人工翻的, Under the leadership of the Party,we have won one victory-----?A.one another B.after another C.after other Deach other为什么选B? 英语翻译The social experiment in china under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of most important and successful in human history. 翻译the character of the leadership role 为什么需要take the leadership role? 为什么需要take the leadership role? 一句长句英译中These enhancements are not unlike the advances being implemented under the concept of smart power,where national objectives and leadership direction are advanced by mixing a range of the right instruments of the national power, 同源宾语的理解Under the leadership of the Party,the peasants are living a happy life.在党的领导下,现在农民们过着幸福的生活.life为什么是live的同源宾语 ______ our hope that the financial crisis will be over under the leadership of the government A.it is B.there is C.what is D.that is谁能聚一个以that is开头的句子? under the under the under the under the