在著名的英文演讲稿“If I were a boy again”中,为什么用“were”代替了正常情况下应该用的“was”?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 09:49:20
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在著名的英文演讲稿“If I were a boy again”中,为什么用“were”代替了正常情况下应该用的“was”? If I were...为题的演讲稿,一分半钟快 if i were 演讲稿求一篇if i were 的英语演讲稿.大概1分多钟.谢是if i were a star 求一篇以 “If I were an inventor”为题的演讲稿,100字. 求一篇以 “If I were an inventor”为题的演讲稿,100字. 请英语高手帮我写一篇450字的以if i were为主题的演讲稿 求If I had a time machine 英文演讲稿 请 发一些有关著名人物的英文演讲稿~最好是类似MJ在牛津的演讲一样,要中英文的演讲稿!有音频更好~ 如果,我是你的英文是不是:If,I were you 请问一下各位亲爱的网友们,在英文句子里 ; 如果有 IF 后面是不是一定要加 edexample :If I worked ,If I finished ,If I were ,If you played 关于I love的英文演讲稿 林肯总统在葛底斯堡的著名演讲词 英文和国文都要 很著名的TED演讲在英文中是读泰得,还是读首字母,t e d 求马云在斯坦福大学演讲的英文演讲稿? 半命题演讲If I were the headmaster of our school,I would 求白岩松在耶鲁大学的英文演讲稿? 乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲英文稿? If I Were A Superwoman演讲稿if i were a superwoman,I would try my best to do something for the social.i'd like to do many,many things for people.if i were a superwoman,i world help others sincerely.i world always think of others first.if an old ma