She's got____"A"_____maths again

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 18:56:56
x) HU/VH/%G%XQਗWYa)8Cy .z@FbMR>5/^6t:yzɎU`~>tΊg'
She's got____A_____maths again my mother was ill yesterday,unluckily,she got____(ill)today Can I get you a drink?-----That's very nice of you.I've already got____.A it B one C that D this Ann is at school .she is a s ____? A:How about the woman with ____ ____ ____ ____(长发)?B:She's my Mum. She has saved many people's lives ____ she bacame a doctor twenty years ago She teathes English.And she's a ____ good at singing. We have not got enough water to drink. (同义句)We have got____ ____ water ____ ____.填什么? 她正用手捂着肚子哭,她肚子疼.用英语怎么说?she ____ ____ _____ her hands ____ her _____.She's ____ a ______ _____. can i get you a drink?it's really nice of you.but i have got____.A.this B.that A和D为什么选D 这是我疑问的地方 ____ ____ miss white ____ from ? she's from CAN 补全对话 Excuse me,is that ____ your grandmother?Which ____?The ____ ____ a red sweater.No,she____.Who's____?She's Yang Lin's grandmother. she wants ____(read) a book怎么填?she wants ____(read) a bookLet's go and ____(see) our grandma正确形式 She's never worried about her weight ____? she B.isn't she C. has she D.hasn't she请告知理由 1.Les‘t take a walk,ok?____ ____ taking a walk?2.What kind of music does she like best?What's ____ ____ kind of music --who's that at the door?--____ is a postman.A.she B.thisC.itD.he there's a call for ____ a.she b.her c.hers My sister's dream was ____ (be) a dancer when she was a little girl.