He ____ a speaking competition last summer.A.takes part in B.joined C.took part in

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 09:02:26
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He ____ a speaking competition last summer.A.takes part in B.joined C.took part in He listened attentively to me ____ while____ at me.He listened attentively to me ____ while____ at me.A.spoke,stared B.speaking,staring C.spoke,staring D.speaking,stared Before he came to London,he had never heard a single English word ____.a.speaking b.spoken c.to speak d.speak He was ___by a German.A.spoken B.speaking C.spoken to D.speaking to I was speaking so loudly.I was ____ that he didn't hear me.A、supposed B、affected C、amazed D、expected 1.After ____by a policeman,he was sent back to China.a.being discovered b.he discovered c.having been discovered d.discovering2.We must make a difference between ____ language and ____ language.a.spoken,weitten b.speaking written c.speaking writing d John is good at ____ English because he practice ____ English in the morning every dayA.speaking;spoken B.spoke;speaking C.spoken;speaking D.speaks;spoken我想问的是/C为什么不可以呢 That was the girl we were speaking ____.a.of b.at c.from d.in HE left the room without ______ a word?A speaking B saying C talking D say 选择填空 Without-----a word,he left.A.saying B.talking C.speaking D.telling 1.He is ____ a story.A.talking B.telling C.speaking D.saying2.She ____ to me,I am the best in the class.A.talks B.tells C.says D.speaks3.Who will ____ at the meeting this afternoon?A.talk B.tell C.say D.speak4.Shandong is ______ the east of China.A sorry,he isn't__.___that?____ _____pat speaking?十万火急! He is ____ (terrify) of speaking in public. Good speaking skills ____.A is a must B is a necessary C are a must D are a necessary without_____a word,he left.A.saying B.talking C.speaking D.telling ______English he is better at speaking than I.a.To b.With c.In He went on____.A.saying B.speaking C.talking D.telling .kuaiWithout ______a word,he left.A.saying B.talking C.speaking D.telling