money is acceptable in some situation

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 07:59:21
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money is acceptable in some situation Do you think it is acceptable to marry for money? if money is no longer acceptable as a store of value, surrendered B/L is acceptable acceptable 英语翻译Presentation of documents that are not in compliance with any applicable anti-money laundering,anti-terrorism,anti-boycott and sanctions laws and regulations is not acceptable and HBZ finance limited reserves the right not to honour such presentation of document(s) that are not in compliance with the applicable anti-boycott, anti-terrorism, anti-money laundering,and sanctions laws and regulations is not acceptable. Applicable law vary depending on the transaction and may include unit one reason that gold was so widely used as money was that gold as a metal was inuniverasl demand ,that is,was generally acceptable .as as 巨型在这里怎么解释 实在读不懂啊 英语高手请进,Money话题Topic :Money Situation:A thinks that university students should not ask their parents for pocket money anymore,while B thinks that is acceptable.求一篇A,B这2个人的对话,符合上面的要求就可以了,对话一 there are times when lying is acceptable是什么意思呢? 这句话“The only acceptable result is victory! acceptable to the rich.可以这样说吗? the specified age is not in the acceptable money is money是什麽意思? 信用证中short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable.信用证中third party as shipper is not acceptable.short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable. Time is money. time is money Time is money