Mr Zhang gave me a very valuable present ____I had never seen.A one B the one

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 11:50:59
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Mr Zhang gave me a very valuable present ____I had never seen.A one B the one This is quite a good book.Mr Zhang gave ________ last it to for me to it还要说为什么啊啊本人是知道正确答案的哦就是想知道为什么!汗...错拉,句型也错掉了,give sb没有for 的 二楼,那为什 Mr brooks gave me a t___ to a concert (根据首字母填空) Mr.Zhang is_______fifty.Thanks a lot . 1.Mr,zhang gave the text books to all the pupils except ( )who had already take them .A;the ones B:ones C :some D:the others Mr.Zhang gave the textbooks to all except__who had already taken them.A.the themC.them outD.out them Mr Zhang teaches _____ Chinese. 用 me 还是 us It seems to me that I've met Mr Zhang _____ .A.anywhere B.something C.somewhere D.anywhere You gave me a smile Mr.Smith gave me a very valuable present,________ that I have never seen.Mr.Smith gave me very valuable presents,_______ that I have never seen.please explain Mr.Zhang teaches ( ) math and he is always nice ( ) me.A.them,to ,of C .us ,toMr.Zhang teaches ( ) math and he is always nice ( ) me.A.them,to ,of C .us ,to 为什么选A,B错在哪了?Mr.Zhang gave the textbook to all the pupils except __________ who had already taken them.A.the ones B.the others为什么B不能选? A lovely and interesting lesson How can we forget the lesson Mr Zhang gave us last month?Mr Zhang was the only teacher who worked over-aged in our school.He should have retired from teaching last year.But he didn't want to leave his platform,his all 英语翻译Mr.Zhang made a big ( ) in business. Mr Zhang feels a little tired 的同义句是什么? Mr Zhang a___ that we would have a meeting tomorrow Mr Zhang Weixuan Mr.Zhang is________maths teacher