搭配 the 什么 for 例如:the ticket for

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:30:29
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搭配 the 什么 for 例如:the ticket for confirm for有这个搭配嘛?例如 please confirm the right answer for below question 详细的路名(例如the Beijing Road)前面搭配什么介词? 名词和名词是否能搭配使用?例如The shoe company.为什么可以搭配使用? the date for 是固定搭配么?the date for是固定搭配么?怎么用?后面接什么?date还有接介词的搭配么?怎么用 求详解 the other day 搭配什么时态? The road has changed for the better是什么用法for the better是固定搭配吗 关于for ,to,和名词的常用搭配如 the key to;the visit tothe reason for;the excuse for tax hike 什么结构?例如 President Obama announced a tax hike proposal for the wealthy 急:the ticket for … the ticket to … 哪个是固定搭配? be important和哪个介词搭配?The crops and trees are important ( ) humans.这个题目应该填什么?是for?with?to?还是on?for不可以吗? 英语中固定搭配,短语,词组有什么区别例如:get back for是属于哪类?急急急急急急 search与search for区别?例如:search the bushes和search for the gun? for me the world X 意思例如:for me the world money. She can not remember the English word for “ hen”for在这里是什么意思English word for 是固定搭配吗 day 介词 搭配请问和day搭配的介词都是什么?on the day/in the day/on a day/in a day这些搭配正确吗?谢谢! some 搭配 the other 还是the others Today,on the bus,more and more young people would make__ for the old.A.the room B,a room C.rooms D.room 是不是有什么固定的短语搭配在这的?