
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:34:39
sites的意思 ...has been declared world cultural heritage sites by UNESCO.我想问world cultural heritage已经是世界文化遗产的意思了, sally spends alot of time {browsing through pages on}他和 internet,looking for travel web sites把框了的改改,改成另一个词,但意思不变 sally spends a lot of time {browsing through pages on}the internet,looking for travel web sites.框了的改改,改成和他意思差不多的,但是意思不变 sally spends a lot of time {browsing through pages on}the internet,looking for travel web sites框了的改改,改成和他意思差不多的,但意思不变 上下文为:Over the last year or so,we have seen an ever-growing number of Metallica fans using online sites such as iTunes to get their music请问Over the last year or so 的意思, Where once ample disposal sites were available,now every municipal government is scrambling to comply with and uphold local and national health regulations.的意思.主要是 comply with and uphold local and national health regulations. conserved sites是什么意思poorly conserved sites呢? 他的功能与作用火狐浏览器右键菜单Add To Top Sites的功能 英语】这里的and 后面的in要省略吗?in workshops and in condtruction sites 英语单词S的发音sites 后面S发什么音` 连起来是什么 social networking sites是什么意思? the survey also asked whether the 100 sites used“profile-based”advertising,and whether the sites incorporate “cookies”technology, which gives websites basic information on visitors.整句话和profile-based是啥意思,不要在线翻译. 简历里出现 reference sites 投一个外国的标,里面要求写服务团队的人员简历,其中最后一项有一个reference sites让填写,这个是让写什么内容的〉? 这句话是什么结构?不太懂~of famous ancient art sites all around tibet,the most well-known sites are the .后面的景点我就省略了.这句前面 of famous ...为什么句首是of 呢》? No.Sites Factory m2*:65,000,No.Sites*,No.Employees* there is no reason.请问there is no reason.是毫无疑问还是没有理由...的意思?there is no reason why you should't tell them in advance what you are going to do以及therewould be no reason for not locating sites in areas of dense populati 帮忙看看句子的意思Doing job research about the organization you are interested in applying to has been made easier as arts organization Web sites have begun to post a great deal of information about who they are and what they do.