英语翻译AfricaTown is the site in Mobile,Alabama,along the Gulf Coast where the last cargo of Africans landed in 1860.Their landing marked the last recorded attempt to import Africans to the United States for the purpose of slavery.The history of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 00:07:05
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英语翻译问题为is[ ] 8th[ ] [ ] 英语翻译AfricaTown is the site in Mobile,Alabama,along the Gulf Coast where the last cargo of Africans landed in 1860.Their landing marked the last recorded attempt to import Africans to the United States for the purpose of slavery.The history of 英语翻译Payment is due on 15th July for Fall semester starts,December 15th for Spring semester starts,and April 15th for Summer semester starts. 英语翻译ʃʒ:thʒ: 英语翻译Sue is both the 50th best and the 50th worst studend at her school how many sdudents are there in her? ( )25th is Christmas Day march 8th is W______Day hunan is in ---th china Today is November 12th.(对November 12th提问) It is January 12th.January 12th 划线提问 After the 13th death,14th is Has not Today is november 19th 对november 19th 提问 英语翻译this is why i would carry the preservation of appetite th the extent of deliberate fasting , 英语翻译Her 19th parole hearing is Tuesday.It might be the best chance yet forwoman convicted of cult killings 英语翻译1st.2nd.3rd.4th.5th.6th.7th.8th.9th.10th.11th.-----20th21st,22nd,23rd24----30th31st英文翻译,比如30th是“thirtieth” 英语翻译100th,1000th,1000000th,19243rd,1000000,1000000000,1875,1354029400怎么翻译 英语翻译You will be entitled to the 13th month pay our employee’s handbook.Prorated 13th month during the current year of termination is not applicable if insufficient termination notice is given by the employee. Decembeir1,2006 is the World AIDS Day?A.17th B.18th C.19th D.20th