过马路时越细心越好.You can;t____ ____ careful to cross the road.请帮我两个空格填一下

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:02:08
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过马路时越细心越好.You can;t____ ____ careful to cross the road.请帮我两个空格填一下 Watch carefully ,and t_ you can see them on you right填空. every morning ,you can see many people take t_ bside the street.t后面填什么 你想象不到那时我是多么沮丧you can't_ _ _ _ _ Be careful when you ______ _______ the road.过马路时要小心 翻译:看到绿色“行走”标志时,我们可以过马路 _we see the greenwalksign,we can _the road. 男孩经常扶老人过马路The boy often __________ the road你可以骑自行车去那里You can ________ 过马路时有红绿灯时为什么要先往左看 人过马路时应该走? look at the c_on the wall you can k_the time和idont take my w_with me can you t_ me the time now怎么写 are you a teacher, t_ 横线 你能想象她是多么细心啊!You can imagine ___ ___ she is! 汉译英:中国式过马路指的是一群人一起在过马路时闯红灯 过马路为什么要过马路 (翻译)过马路时,记住要小心交通灯.When you cross a road , remember ---- ---- ---- ---- the traffic lights. 如何让孩子养成细心的好习惯?有耐心、细心的检查作业、考卷?如何让孩子养成细心的好习惯?有耐心、细心的检查作业、考卷,不应付公事.读书时不任意添字、删字. I'd like to buy some books.Can you l_ me some money?When you are ina zoo,you can't t_ any food to the animals.Can you tell my brother how to write computer p_,Mrs Li? When your friends are in trouble,you shonld do all___________them.A.you can help B.you can to help C.that you can helpD.what you can help重在讲解,不在答案(越具体越好)