High-Aspect-Ratio TiO2 是什么类型的二氧化钛啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/21 21:23:10
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aspect ratio是什么 ? aspect ratio什么意思 High-Aspect-Ratio TiO2 是什么类型的二氧化钛啊? High aspect ratio platelets may consistently provide excellent thermal conductivity performance.怎么翻译啊,关于润滑油的 【求助】maximum aspect ratio>6如果maximum aspect ratio>6不可避免,是否这样的三角形单元仍可进行分析用?Minimum Aspect Ratio 1.154733,Maximum Aspect Ratio 17.345684,Average Aspect Ratio 2.361149 Match Ratio----------- maya渲染设置里的device aspect ratio是什么命令 fluent网格检查出现warning,画二维机翼时,导入fluent后check 出现以下提示Checking mesh.WARNING:The mesh contains high aspect ratio quadrilateral,hexahedral,or polyhedral cells.The default algorithm used to compute the walldistance re icem画网格倒入fluent后check时出现问题Mesh check failed.WARNING:The mesh contains high aspect ratio hexahedralor polyhedral cells.The default algorithm used to compute the walldistance required by the turbulence models mightproduce wrong re 英语翻译A theoretical study on TiO2 morphology (or shape) prediction using a thermodynamic model based on surface energies and tensions also obtained similar results.However,the rod-shaped anatase with a high aspect ratio was observed in the pres aspect aspect aspect fluent网格检查出现warning,用pointwise画了两个相贯圆柱的结构化网格,导入fluent后check 出现以下提示Checking mesh.WARNING:The mesh contains high aspect ratio quadrilateral,hexahedral,or polyhedral cells.The default algorithm 请问关于飞机设计的 aspect ratio 是啥比啥 请说明 thanks谢谢 不过我问的是关于飞机机翼的aspect ratio 我做数学题碰到的 TI ti ti 小问一下ratio和proportion的区别啊!the ratio of teachers and students is very high和the proportion of meat to bones in a fowl可以ratio和proportion互换吗?