这句话是否有语法错误,如果有请改正,You should take the translated text in contrast with the original text to strengthen the understand.你应该把译文与原文相对照起来来加深理解。这句话有什么语法问题么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 17:06:21
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Alice asked me some questions about what did l plan to do.这句话有语法错误吗?有请改正. Are you high school student?这句话有没有语法错误,如果没有请做出肯定回答 这句话是否有语法错误,如果有请改正,You should take the translated text in contrast with the original text to strengthen the understand.你应该把译文与原文相对照起来来加深理解。这句话有什么语法问题么? You will success unless you work hard.有没有语法错误如果有请改正, i am looking for a pen which is red这句话有语法错误吗?如果有请指出(忽略大小写, we need you ti work hard and love kids ,这句话有语病吗,如果有请改正, 此段英语短文是否有语法错误?帮忙检阅一下,是否有语法错误,如果有请指出该怎样改正,谢谢 If you are a pretty girl . Come and buy your clothes at Spongebob’s great sale! Do you like skirts? We have skirts at a very 为确保亚沙会顺利举行,组委会加大了安全保卫工作,以避免发生任何意外.这句话有语病吗,如果有请改正 出乎我意料之外的,母亲居然许我起来坐在她的身边 是否有语病,如果有请改正 who is travel the farthest to school in our school这句话有错吗如果有请改正快 My heart was changed for you这句话有没有语法错误呀?如果有,请指出,并改正;如果没有,请翻译! English is my favorite,which is also what I am good at.这句话有语法错误吗?如有请斧正! 这句话有语法错误吗?Participate in the two projects,complete the PLC programming.如果有,请帮忙改正,恩,对的 there is a discussion about the Internet whetherit is good or bad请问一下这句话有语法错误吗?如果有错误,应该如何改正? 请问这句话有语法错误码?如果有,应该如何改正啊?he appeals to people not to hold a sole moral norm. it is winter now这句话有没有语法错误.有的话要怎么改正 it is winter now这句话有没有语法错误,有的话怎么改正 检查一下几个句子是否有语法错误,如果有请改正Our mission statement is to enrich our after classes life while we just spend less money to enjoy more fun.We aim at providing a comfortable place and a convenient way for students to ha