英语翻译Shareholders have the right to benefit from corporate operations.Realizing the benefit of business operations is another aspect of minority shareholder life which finds some protection under North Carolina law.Receipt of dividend distribu

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 17:54:56
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英语翻译the chief executive cannot become chairman without prior consultation with major shareholders 英语翻译investment for shareholders measured in terms of return on equity 英语翻译controlling shareholders of public corporations could also find themselves subject to a veil-piercing claim 什么是shareholders’ fund board of shareholders是什么意思 英语翻译MindChild is a prime example of this in which E-TROLZ shareholders own 40% of the founding shares. 英语翻译Reasonable Compensation for Goods and Services Rendered.To continue to provide a harmonious business relationship,the Shareholders hereby agree that all goods and services between the Shareholders (and their related companies and interest 英语翻译Passing the Decision of the Assembly of Shareholders by getting the shareholders' ideas in writing to pass the Decision of the Assembly of Shareholders if necessary due to the Corporation's benefit.请真的会翻译的来帮帮忙 英语翻译The competive approach views the relationship between different shareholders in business as winner/loser situationcompetive approach views在这里什么意思?怎么翻译 英语翻译The UK mobile telephone operator acquired its US counterpart AirTouch by making AirTouch shareholders a cash and stock swap offer worth a total of $62bn. 英语翻译actual shareholders do not hold any kick-out rights that will affect the consolidation determination.主要看下这里的 kick-out rights是什么意思》? 英语翻译The most common reports for external use are the financial statements in the annual report to shareholders and potential investors. 英语翻译the national laws of a country may provide for provision of some accounting information for shareholders and the public.主要是 provide for provision 这里理解不了.. hav a great 英语翻译In order to obviate the drawbacks of plasma immunoglobulins,the whole molecular recombinant human anti一HAV(hepatitis A virus) monoclonal antibody(anti—HAV IgG) produced and secreted by rCHO cells was purified and its physicochemical p 英语翻译hmm wefll i hav a cam ..i wanna put it up 4 u hun f you want?iaznt 2 to ...get dirty?就是这两句 英语翻译In a company,theowners are shareholders,whose initial stake is shown as share capital andsubsequent profits earned showed as a balance on the profit and loss account,as in A Limited’s balance sheet following.In a partnership,thepartners 英语翻译with respect to board of directors‘s decisions that require shareholders approval,the significant shareholder will vote in accordance with the position expressed by the board of directors,unless the significant shareholder opposes any s