这个“which”指代的什么?Besides the pains in adapting to the unfamiliar enviroment,there is also the uncertain about the reliability and advantages about the foreign education,which may depend on the students themselves.请问这个which指

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 05:25:02
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这个代词指代什么 这个“which”指代的什么?Besides the pains in adapting to the unfamiliar enviroment,there is also the uncertain about the reliability and advantages about the foreign education,which may depend on the students themselves.请问这个which指 to which的疑问.evaluating the extent to which awareness of child protection procedures is evident within the setting.这个句子的to which实在不明白是指代什么.== 如何理解这个句子结构Rattus plays a new warm-up game called Doc Doc which it involves tasting some pretty revolting stuff,这句话中 which it involves tasting some pretty revolting stuff,which是指代的game吗?it指代的什么?tasting s 搏击俱乐部 the ability to let that which does not matter truly slide这里的that,which分别指代什么? which指代什么?可以这样说吗?难道which一定指代air?xx is stable in air,which represent good ... 英语语法:听说which只是个疑问代词,不能指代一个句子,那么,which means这个结构在什么情况下可用 定语重句的问题什么情况下同样指代地点不能用WHERE只能用WHICH,还有同样指代时间什么情况下只能用WHEN不能用WHICH 指代什么 in britain,which has a population of 55.8 million people,110,000 people die from smoking each year怎么翻译?which指代的什么? 请问在这两个英语句子中,which分别指代前面什么部分?1、Many universities are opening various electives for the students to choose,which has caused great concern.请问这里which指代前面的choose,还是指代前面整个句子? there is no reason for which we cant combine fitness with glamour.which指代什么 adequate attention must be paid to the intention to which the proposal is made.分析这个句子后半部分什么意思,什么结构,which指代什么,正常语序应该是什么? 第七题,which引导的从句还是只做指代呢?咋选出which来的? AF有什么指代的词语 名落孙山的孙山具体指代什么? “天方夜谭”的意思是什么?指代些什么? Canada is the only in which the numbers in prison have decreased over the period.请问这种句型要怎么分析,which 前面的in 修饰什么,which又指代什么,请高手帮我理顺,晕死了...哎