这里到底是用was还是wereif i were your gf,even just for a day or,if i was your gf,even just for a day?是用were比较正统么?why?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 18:41:29
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这里到底是用was还是wereif i were your gf,even just for a day or,if i was your gf,even just for a day?是用were比较正统么?why? I was playing the piano when I was reading nespaper.这里到底用when还是while. I want to learn how to do这里到底是用what还是How I want to learn how to do这里到底是用what还是How 是he was not ___ Mr.smith that i know 这里用a还是the为什么? I asked Mr brown where he_______ from? 这里是用 is 还是was呢?这里不是一个客观事实吗? what I thought was/is +thought内容 这里是is 还是 was I thought you__having a break 填was 还是were 为什么you是第二人称怎么这里也用were 英语小语法,很容易的!为什么 总是听到有的人说 I was.有的人又说:I were...那到底是 用was 还是用were呢? I was lost ,so I didn't know where I was.这里用wasI was lost ,so I didn't know where I was.这里用was lost 是什么时态?还是被动语态? My brother is than __________.这里到底用 I 还是 me My brother is lazier than __________.这里到底用 I 还是 me 请问has 和 was 的区别,也就是到底什么情况用has 什么情况用was?比如:he's saying please take his son?这里是Has 还是was呢? I have been here是“我来过这里”还是“我在这里” “have been”到底有几种解释? she was born in 1990.这里的born到底是动词的被动式?还是形容词?我始终没明白 I was crossing the bridge 这里Was是BE动词 后面应该是 aross 为什么这里用 Cross The boy who broke the window was tom在这里是应该用was还是is? one of the rooms( was/ were) damaged in the fire.这里是用was 还是were? at,in,on怎么用?都用在什么之前还有 I was a school yesterday - He was .变成 He 做主语为什么还是was不是were?Two cats running along the wall.为什么这里是along 不是TWO CATS