懂英语的看一下:Take( )to ask me questionst开头今天就要,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 01:13:46
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懂英语的看一下:Take( )to ask me questionst开头今天就要,为什么 as long as与as soon as的区别我在仁爱英语时报上见到了这样一个题目弄不明白请大家帮忙看一下:____you have a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it.A.As soon as B.As good as C.As well as D.As long as我 懂英语的看一下 我想象中的机器人题目 英语的作文 里面要有...the same as......to help do....make...do....to take.. 帮我写一下英语的句型转换Try to be as good to your classmates as you canTry to be as [ ] to your classmates [ ] [ ] 英语好的帮我翻译一下这句话是什么意思!Take me to your heart! 帮我看一下这篇英语文章有没有什么错误,请大家帮我看一下我写的这篇英语文章有没有什么错误?有的话请大家帮我改正,Hello Everyone,Today,it’s my great honor to stand here to take part in the election campa 关于英语句子中断句和标点.这是一道专四听写题,希望懂的帮我解惑一下.“First,we can take breathing exercises,such as yoga,and we can do some physical exercises to help reduce stress.”在这句中,exercise和such之间可 帮我总结一下类似与be referred to as的英语固定搭配及用法 英语好的看一下. 英语好的看一下! 英语好的看一下 英语好的看一下! 英语好的看一下 英语中有那些as as的固定搭配比如as well as as long as意思是什么都说一下 英语好的哥哥姐姐们进来看一下、、What kind of reading material,such as novels,magazines,or poetry,do you most like to read in your free time?Explain why. 帮忙看一下我写的英文推荐信有无错误第一封As the Manager of CathayLife Insurance,I have had the pleasure of knowing Lin Li Hong for one year.He has been an diligent asistant and has astonished grade on his job.I would like to take t take for 和 take as 的区别