程序为何会显示 illegal use of type 'void'#includeusing namespace std;void count(char *str){ int i,num; { for(i=0;str[i];i++) if((str[i]>='a'&&str[i]='A'&&str[i]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:46:12
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程序为何会显示 illegal use of type 'void'#includeusing namespace std;void count(char *str){ int i,num; { for(i=0;str[i];i++) if((str[i]>='a'&&str[i]='A'&&str[i] illegal illegal use of this type as an expression是什么意思? exo-l官网按登陆后为何会显示好多英语 为啥会出现 illegal case和illegal break啊 非法的case和非法的break 在SPSS中想在variable view第一列输入数字,但是显示“variable name contains an illegal first character” 怎么办?因为我想输入的是年份,比如1995,但是就会出现这个对话框 Illegal qualifier 在pascal 中的意思这是一种程序运行错误的提示 matlab程序调试问题Error:File:RTE3DCSM.m Line:336 Column:1The function RTE3DCSM was closedwith an 'end',but at least one other function definition was not.To avoid confusion when using nested functions,it is illegal to use both conventions in 为什么我进入TWITTER就会显示You cannot use the Twitter website without having JavaScript enabled on make illegal Iryxe是什么程序?显示 Invalid pointer operation 运行下列程序 显示的结果是多少? 为何红外测温仪的红外测温与K型探头测量同一物体时,温度显示会有偏差? 乙醇与金属钠反应后滴加酚酞为何变红?显示红色后为何放置片刻红色变浅乃至消失?再滴加酚酞又会呈红色? 为何我提的问答不能显示? excel2003 输入数字为何会改变在excel2003里面输入数字27392330318740,回车后为什么显示2.73923E+13真郁闷!这样不是会误事情? 英语翻译Although this law does not actually prohibit the possession of weapons whose use is illegal,it is clearly moving in that direction. Although this law does not actually prohibit the possession of weapons whose use is illegal,it is clearly moving in that direction.