It was in Yuexiu Park __ they dated for the first time __ the old couple told us their story..It was in Yuexiu Park _______ they dated for the first time ______ the old couple told us their story.A.that,that B.where,when C.that,when D.where,that为

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 06:15:14
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It was in Yuexiu Park __ they dated for the first time __ the old couple told us their story..It was in Yuexiu Park _______ they dated for the first time ______ the old couple told us their story.A.that,that B.where,when C.that,when D.where,that为 英语翻译1.Sun Yat-sen’s Memorial Hall was built in memory of Dr.Sun Yat-sen.It was constructed in 1931 and was built on the original site of Sun Yat-sen’s presidential office on Yuexiu Hill.2.Built by chen families from counties in guangdong par. You____swim in this par of the lake,it's dangerous.Amusn't B needn't Cwon't D don't what about ()in yuexiu park?A.go fishiing B.go fish C.going fishing Gmat句子改错题.To Josephine Baker,Paris was her home long before it was fashionable to be an expatriate,and she remained in France during the Second World War as a performer and an intelligence agent for the Resistance.(A) To Josephine Baker,Par It was back in 1853. It was built in 1078. The girl was walking along the park when it began to rain就划线处提问 画线的是walking along the par Shanghai lies _____ the east of Jangsu; it is _____ of; part B.on; the part; par选哪个? 英语翻译It was shipped in expectation that . It was cold there e______ in summer. IT WAS E,IN THE ROOM It was lovely sitting in the Perhaps interested in it was a It was said in the book it was sunday morning in may . when 对话填空A:Oh,it's( )twelve o'clock.I'm( ).Where( )we have( B:( )go to the Yuexiu ( ).A:How can we get ( B:Please ( ) your father.Maybe we can go ( )car.A:Dad,can we go to the Yuexiu ( ) to have ( B:Oh,Guangzhou ( ) is more famous than Yuexiu ( ).