这句话涉及到什么语法 that 可以省略吗 为什么The teams have that extra bite when they are playing against their neighbours...

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 13:31:55
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这句话涉及到什么语法 that 可以省略吗 为什么The teams have that extra bite when they are playing against their neighbours... Could you tell me where you were studying at that time?这句话准确意思 还有涉及到什么语法知识 这句话什么用法我的语法书写的 带有类似于 suggest recommend advise 的that从句应该是 i recommend(suggest) that he stay.为什么不是 suggest sb to do sth? 还有 这个that 可以省略吗? do something interesting 这句话涉及到那些语法do something interesting 这句话涉及到那些语法 It looks like it's going to rain 这句话是不是省略了THAT?什么情况下才可以省略THAT i can not grant your request that to be your girlfriend这里的that可不可以省略省略that有涉及语法吗?什么情况下that可以省略什么情况下不可以? It is certain that he will win the match.这句话中的that可以省略吗 the teacher encourages that student with one sentence:这句话的that可以省略吗 Whose else's pen is this?这句话有没有语法错误?如果有,正确说法是什么?涉及到什么语法? Do you mind if I asked what your job is?这句话涉及到的语法有些什么?if如何翻译? She emerged from the divorce a stronger person是不是在a stronger person 前省略了什么,这句话符合语法规定么就是说省略了 to be了?这么关键的词可以省略吗,语法上怎么讲?这句话是朗文英英词典里的 She was in arrogance to assume she would win every time.这句话的语法是什么?省略that么? She is all (that) a teacher should be 这句话中that在从句中做什么成分啊,可以省略吗 定语从句 The conclusion that they have drawn is wrong.这句话中的that做什么成分?是否可以省略?为什么? It's like a dream come true...这句话是省略了(that has)?为什么可以省略呢? 表语从句是否可省略thatThis is the first time that I have seen you.这句话是表语从句吗?这个that可以省略吗..还有什么时候that可以省略 什么时候不省略啊.. “We are slaves to nothing but the clock这句话是省略句吗?省略了什么?谁能给我详细将这句话的语法? He told me that he had broken that plate.这句话中that可不可以省略,请告诉我that省略的规律,如果不可以为什么