When invited to lunch,dinner,or supper,it is very impolite to arrive late,When invited to lunch,dinner,or supper,it is very impolite to arrive late,as it is usually planned to have the meal at the exact hour given in the invitation.By arriving late,y

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:13:24
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When invited me to dinner be invited to +place when I invited him,he a___ to home at once这个空填什么? 翻译题:When you're invited for 8:00,you're supposed to come later. What do you do here when you are invited to someone's house? Whose party were you last invited to?And when was it?怎么回答 When were you last embarrassed?怎么回答?Whose party were you last invited to?And when was it? 一道英语语态题When invited to the English evening. Mary can't help jumping with joyA.she is inviting B.invitedCshe was invited .D.inviting为什么不选C上面的打错了invited应该是个空 非谓语的语法问题 求解答++++++++++++++When ____to dinner at the White Rose Restaurant ,he seemed very happy and accepted the invitation.A.invited B inviting C to be invited D.having invited My grandmother was an iron-willed (强硬的) woman.When I was five,she invited some friends to her 英语首字母拼写Were you invited to their w___ when they married?这个空填什么单词 w开头的 ____she was invited to the conference made her quite excited.A,Whether B,That C,If D,When mary went to the box office at lunc h time,but all the tickets had sold out.本句对么? When shall I arrive at my friend's house for dinner?When you're invited for 6:00,you're supposed to come_____(early or earlier) i was invited to a fashion show,but i didn‘t know —— 为什么不是when to do 而是what to do i was invited to a fashion show,but i didn‘t know —— 为什么不是when to do 而是what to do it is a __practice to bring a present to the hostess when one is invited to dinner.A normal B ordinary C usual D common选哪个?理由? when a man is invited to an englishman's home,the proper behavior?and to an american 's home?不要翻译,英文哦