几道英语题,各位高手帮帮忙1.It was raining hard and we all got ____(湿的)2.Before going to school,Jack usually ____(检查)his schoolbag3.利奥匀速脱下衣服,跳入了游泳池. Leo quickly ____ ____his clothes and jumped int

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 23:25:44
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几道英语题,各位高手帮帮忙1.It was raining hard and we all got ____(湿的)2.Before going to school,Jack usually ____(检查)his schoolbag3.利奥匀速脱下衣服,跳入了游泳池. Leo quickly ____ ____his clothes and jumped int 几道英语题,各位高手帮帮忙1.I go to a formal western dinner party for the first time. ( )my ( ) time to go to dinner party for.2.Linda couldn’t see David somewhere.(改为否定句) David ( )himself.3.Lucy likes Chinese, too. Luc It's half past five.希望英语高手们帮帮忙. 几道英语题,高手进 看图写单词,各位高手帮帮忙 英语题急需解答,各位高手帮帮忙,详细解释It depends on the government's measures __the housing price will be brought under control by the end of this year A. how B.that C. whether D. when 英语题:Math is ________,but English is easy.根据句子意思填写正确的单词。各位高手帮帮忙。感谢。 各位大神帮帮忙,英语题,求解? 几题英语句型转换(各位高手帮帮忙,答得好另加分)1.She has already done her homework【同义句】She _ _ her homework _.2.We need a lot of people.There's a lot of work to do.【用so合并成一个句子】There's a lot o 请各位英语高手帮帮忙,告一下“北京烤鸭”用英语怎么说?谢谢! 各位英语高手帮帮忙,我记得我爱过用英语怎么说? 初二的几道英语题【英语高手请进】】 请各位IT精英帮帮忙! 穿一件制服用英语怎么说各位高手拜托了,帮帮忙. 谁有1--30的英语续数词?求各位高手帮帮忙 急急急~~~~~~~~~~~~` 急求一篇结婚的好处英语短文? 希望各位高手帮帮忙,万分感谢! 用英语输入然后打出来的是汉字请各位高手来帮帮忙 ___ a student.___ eyes are big.(He's/His)各位英语高手帮帮忙